About us

Who we are?

We Racing Emotion, Emotions Your guide to the world on four wheels. We will help you experience the sensation of racing cars, not only in normal operation, or on the circuit, but in a virtual reality called Sim Racing. Taste the true smell of petrol, smoke, burned tires and be deafened mighty roar of powerful engines.


What are we doing?

We are here for you since 2003 as a professional organization in projects whose aim is to get out of your car’s maximum. We adjust the car from scratch incl. engine modifications. We specialize in editing and import cars Opel Speedster and Lotus, which has basically pleased motoring hearts and for our editing one of the best road construction in the country. From 2014, we deal with individual construction of racing simulators.

What is our strength?

We are professional managers in the construction and modification of cars. In 18 years of existence, we have created a perfectly functioning network of suppliers and collaborators, thanks to which we are able to ensure that each area of ​​the best professional.

Who are you, our clients?

Are you demanding perfectionists. People who like to know for what you spend your money. Time for you negligible quantity. If you want perfect service and always go the extra mile. With all counts with us.